Voice recorder and mobile communication jammer


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Weight (in package), kg: 1    Packing size, mm: 190х135х60

  • Voice recorder jamming type: Ultrasound; Acoustic.
  • 10 frequency jamming: GSM 900, GSM 1800, 3G 2100, GPS 1500, Wi-Fi 2400, Bluetooth 5500 LTE 4G Mobile 850, LTE 4G 2500, 4G Mobile 800, Analog – 1200.

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Voice recorder and mobile communication jammer "UltraSonic-18-GSM" has 3 protection modes to provide maximum security for talks and negotiations.

Space within range of "UltraSonic-18-GSM" will be free from recording and data trasmitting devices that use GSM or wireless internet communiction channels such as: Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G, 4G mobile/LTE.

Samsung Note 4 iPhone 7
  iPhone 6

Attention ! Jamming is performed with noiseless (ultrasonic) mode!
This means that your partners won't hear any suspicious sound of the operating unit!

Special features:

  • Ultrasound spectrum will prevent you from unsanctioned recording to any recording device.
  • Ultrasound emitters inflict noiseless suppression on microphone’s sensitive membrane making impossible for it to record any sound. Ultrasound effective angle of influence – 90 degrees.
  • Acoustic mode. Creates noise background which can be adjusted from the back panel of the unit. In case of recording of your conversation, the audio record will have nothing but the noise with no chance to distinguish anything else.
  • Using both of these modes at the same time will provide your talks and privacy with the most effective protection.
  • This unit has a built-in battery, so it is possible to prevent unsanctioned recording on a meeting outside your office.

Ультразвуковой подавитель диктофонов и других видов беспроводной связи «UltraSonic-18-GSM» комплектация
Ультразвуковой подавитель диктофонов и других видов беспроводной связи «UltraSonic-18-GSM» элементы управления
Ультразвуковой подавитель диктофонов и других видов беспроводной связи «UltraSonic-18-GSM»

Protection modes:

  1. Ultrasonic - the unit emits directional ultrasonic wave that inflicts interference on the sensitive membrane of microphones, making any recording device unable to record.
  2. Acoustic - creates noise backgrond in the room, so the final record will contain chorus of different voices where it is impossible to distinguish one specific. 
  3. Mobile internet 3G/4G mobile/4G LTE and GSM network jammer blocks wireless data transmitters.
  4. Combined mode. Allows using all of the modes above at the same time, providing maximum protection.


Voice recorder and mobile communication jammer "UltraSonic-18-GSM" - all-purpose unit aimed to secure meeting and negotiations, by jamming all means of recording and data transmitting. Relatively small size of the jammer provides an ability to place it inside a table or a bag.

How it works

Ultrasonic 18GSM works as a directional radiator. Simply required to be directed towards the source of recording and turned on. Then choose the mode to meet your requirements.  Now the unit will radiate ultrasound waves and create noise interference which cannot be heard by a human but suppress all types of recording devices. When you expect several means of recording, you can use combined mode.

Technical data

  • Ultrasound suppressor power at 1m distance – 90 dB
  • Ultrasound impact angle –  80 degree
  • Acoustic noise generator power – 2W
  • Jamming frequencies:
    • GSM 900
    • GSM 1800
    • 3G 2100
    • GPS 1500
    • Wi-Fi 2400
    • Bluetooth 5500
    • LTE 4G Mobile 850
    • LTE 4G 2500
    • 4G Mobile 800   
    •  Analog – 1200
  • Suppression range –up to 15 m
  • Working voltage -12 V 4 amp ( via power adapter )
  • Working capacity using battery – up to 80 minutes (with 3 modes of suppression on )
  • Adjustable acoustic suppression power
  • Total weight – 1 kg


Package content

  1. Ultrasonic 18GSM -1x
  2. Power adapter 12W -1x
  3. Sealed Case -1x
  4. Manual – 1x


  Mobile phones (smartphones) Digital voice recorders
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mi Red-
mi 4
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UltraSonic-18-Light 10 3 2 3 4 3 2.5 1.5 4.5 8 2.5 2.5
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