Ultrasonic voice recorder jammer

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Weight (in package), kg: 2.3    Packing size, mm: 240x140x60

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  • Voice recorder jamming type:
    • Ultrasonic
  • Jamming frequencies:
    • GSM 900/1800, 3G 2100, LTE 4G 2620-2690MHz, 4G mobile 790-826MHz

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Ultrasonic voice recorder jammer “Chameleon-12-GSM-Handbag” aimed to jam various voice recording devices – Dictaphones, Video cameras, smartphones etc. 12 built-in ultrasonic emitters jam voice recording within 5 meter distance. Also equipped with mobile communication jammer blocking 5 different bands: GSM 900/1800, 3G 2100, 4G LTE 1, 4G mobile.

Ultrasonic emitters are located on one side of the handbag, covered with acoustic fabric. It is recommended to place this side in direction of presumed recording device.

The jammer built inside a fancy “Montblanc” handbag, so it will easily fit business environment.

This device is equipped with 3000 A/h with 10 hour working capacity.

In addition “Chameleon-12-GSM-Handbag” has mobile communication jammer, able to block any mobile device operation within 3-15 meter distance.

Samsung Galaxy S iPhone 6 iPhone 5S

Attention ! Jamming is performed with noiseless (ultrasonic) mode!
This means that your partners won't hear any suspicious sound of the operating unit!

Special features:

  • Voice recorder jammer has fancy “Montblanc” handbag appearance.
  • High mobility. With built-in battery able to operate for 6 hours.
  • Ultrasonic jamming. Ultrasound cannot be heard by a human, but blocks recording device’s microphone membrane.
  • Built-in mobile communication jammer leaves no chance for any smartphone or other device within its range
Ultrasonic voice recorder jammer “Chameleon-12-GSM-Handbag” Ultrasonic voice recorder jammer “Chameleon-12-GSM-Handbag” Ultrasonic voice recorder jammer “Chameleon-12-GSM-Handbag”
Ultrasonic voice recorder jammer “Chameleon-12-GSM-Handbag” Ultrasonic voice recorder jammer “Chameleon-12-GSM-Handbag” Ultrasonic voice recorder jammer “Chameleon-12-GSM-Handbag”

Technical specifications:

  • Ultrasonic emitter power in range: 90 dB
  • Ultrasonic jamming max. range: 1-5 meters
  • Mobile communication jamming range: 3-15 meters
  • Jamming frequencies:
    • GSM 925-6-960 MHz
    • GSM 1805-1880 MHz
    • 4G mobile 790-830 MHz
    • 3G 2110-2170 MHz
  • Ultrasonic emitters quantity: 12
  • Working time with voice recorder jammer: up to 6 h
  • Working time with mobile communication jammer: up to 1.5 h
  • Size: 230x165x65 mm
  • Weight: 0.6 Kg

Package content:

1 “Chameleon-12-GSM-Handbag” – 1x

2 Power adaptor – 1x


  Mobile phones (smartphones) Digital voice recorders
  iPhone Samsung Galaxy LG G2 Mini Asus Zen-
fone 5
mi Red-
mi 4
Edic - Mini LCD B8 - 17920 Olym-
pus VP - 10
Sony ICD - TX 650 N
  5S 6S 7 Note 4 J7 S Duos
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UltraSonic-Folder-24-GSM 10 3 2.5 4 5 4 4 2 4.5 9 2.5 2.5
UltraSonic-18-GSM 10 3 2 3 4 3 2.5 1.5 4.5 8 2.5 2.5
UltraSonic-18-Light 10 3 2 3 4 3 2.5 1.5 4.5 8 2.5 2.5
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UltraSonic Power Bank-6.0 5 1.5 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 1.5 5 1 1
Chameleon Speaker-12 Light 7 2 1.5 2 3 2 1.7 1 3 5.5 1.7 1.7
Chameleon Speaker-12 Dual 7.5 2.5 2 2.5 3.5 2.5 2.5 1.5 3.5 6 2 2
Chameleon Speaker-12 GSM 7 2 1.5 2 3 2 1.7 1 3 5.5 1.7 1.7
Chameleon 12-GSM-Handbag 7 2 1.5 2 3 2 1.7 1 3 5.5 1.7 1.7
Chameleon Clutch-12-Light 7 2 1.5 2 3 2 1.7 1 3 5.5 1.7 1.7
€ 814.29
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