Commercial proposal
Our company is located in Russia, more precisely in Moscow. For more than 15 years we have been working on the development of various equipment in the sphere of security. We offer you an absolutely new product, on which we have been working during this year – ultrasonic dictophone suppressors. The products of the brand «UltraSonic» are meant for providing safe negotiations. This equipment will help our clients to reduce the risk of information being stolen and what is more it will protect the clients of being recorded on different types of dictophones. Our production items are designed and made in Russia by the specialists of our company. Comparing our production to similar devices, we are proud to underline that our items are more advanced and more high-tech. |
La nostra azienda si trova in Russia, a Mosca. Per oltre 15 anni abbiamo sviluppato varie attrezzature di sicurezza. Vi offriamo un prodotto completamente nuovo, che abbiamo elaborato nel corso dell'ultimo anno- gli soppressori ultrasonici delle dittafoni. La linea dei dispositivi «UltraSonic» è destinata per assicurare il svolgimento sicuro delle negoziazione. L'uso di questa apparecchiatura speciale aiuterà ai vostri clienti di ridurre notevolmente la probabilità di fuga di informazione, nonché la registrazione delle conversazioni su vari tipi dei dittafoni . L'intera linea dei dispositivi è progettata e fabbricata in Russia dai nostri specialisti. In confronto ai apparecchi simili, offriamo i dispositivi più avanzati e più sofisticati! |
Notre entreprise travaille en Russie, à Moscou. Nous avons développé divers équipements dans le domaine de sécurité depuis plus de 15 ans. Nous vous offrons un produit entièrement inédit, que nous avons développé au cours de la dernière année – les suppresseurs ultrasoniques des dictaphones. Une ligne des appareils «UltraSonic» est destiné à assurer le déroulement sûr des négociations. L'utilisation de cet équipement spécial aidera vos clients de réduire la probabilité de fuites d'information, ainsi que l'enregistrement des conversations sur divers types de dictaphones. Une ligne entière des appareils est conçues et fabriquée en Russie par spécialistes de notre entreprise. Contrairement aux dispositifs similaires, nous offrons des appareils plus modernes et plus avancés. |
Unser Unternehmen liegt in Russland, Moskau. Wir entwickeln verschiedene Ausstattung im Bereich der Sicherheit mehr als 15 Jahre. Wir stellen Ihnen das nagelneue Produkt, das wir im Laufe des letzten Jahres erarbeitet haben- die Ultraschalle Diktafon-Unterdrücker. Die Serie von Geräten «UltraSonic» zur Sicherung von gefahrlosen Verhandlungen bestimmt ist. Die Anwendung dieser fachbezogenen Ausrüstung ihrer Kundschaft die Möglichkeit von Durchsickern der Informationen, sowie die Aufnahme von Gesprächen auf verschieden Typen von Diktafonen mehrmals verringern lässt. Die ganze Serie von Geräten in Russland von Spezialisten unseres Unternehmens entwickelt und hergestellt wird. Im Vergleich zu ähnlichen Geräten unsere Ausstattung moderner und hochtechnologischer ist! |
我们公司位于俄罗斯的莫斯科,过去15年以来我们一直致力于开发研究各种安全防范产品。 经过最近1年的研究我们开发出了一款新产品---录音屏蔽器 «UltraSonic»该系列产品主要用来确保谈判的安全进行。使用这种专业的设备帮助你的客户降低信息泄露,防止各种录音设备对你们的谈话进行录音. 该系列所有的产品都是是我司在俄罗斯生产和研发.不同于其它类似产品的是我们提供的更加先进和更高科技的设备! |
אנו מציעים לכם מוצר חדש לחלוטין, אשר פתחנו במהלך שנה אחרונה - מדכאיים על-קוליים של דיקטפונים. קו מוצרים מיועד להתנהלות משא ומתן בטוחה. «UltraSonic» השימוש בציוד מיוחד זה יעזור ללקוחות שלכם להקטין את ההסתברות של זליגת מידע כמו גם הקלטה של שיחות על סוגים שונים של דיקטפונים באופן ניכר. כל קו המוצרים הזה מעוצב ומיוצר ברוסייה על ידי המומחים שלנו. בהשוואה ל ציוד דומה, אנו מציעים מכשירים יותר מתקדמים ויותר מתוחכמים ! |
Наша компания находится в России, в Москве. Более 15 лет мы занимаемся разработкой различного оборудования в области безопасности. Предлагаем вашему вниманию совершенно новый продукт, который мы разрабатывали в течение последнего года – ультразвуковые подавители диктофонов. Линейка приборов «UltraSonic» предназначена для обеспечения проведения безопасных переговоров. Использование данного специального оборудования поможет вашим клиентам на порядок уменьшить вероятность утечки информации, а также записи разговоров на различные виды диктофонов. Вся линейка приборов разработана и производится в России специалистами нашей компании. В отличии от аналогичных устройств мы предлагаем более усовершенствованные и более высокотехнологичные приборы. |
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Our products and services:
Being the manufactures, we are offering our products at the most reasonable prices and on the most favorable terms. Our discounts can reach 50% on retail price
The advantages of our company:
- The suppression of 10 radio frequencies. The suppressor makes noise in the data transmission in the nets: GSM-900; GSM-1800; 3G-2100; GPS-1500; Wi-Fi-2400; Video cameras-1200; LTE 4G 2620-2690; Bluetooth 2400-2468; 4G Mob1 - 790-826; 4G Mob2 - 850-894.
- Both the unique method of the acoustic suppression «VOICE CHORUS» where more than 20 different tracks with various types, tones and frequencies of voices are employed and the recordings of the male and female voices will allow to beat any dictophone and make any conversation incomprehensible. The languages are: Russian, Chinese, English, Spanish, Arabic and Vietnamese.
- In addition in «VOICE CHORUS» a special track at frequencies between 19 and 22 kHz is added what allows to increase the distance of suppression of Apple Iphones to 6-10 metres.
- Built-in accumulators make our devices transportable so you can take them on any negotiation.
- While making our devices we use a special software which allows us to achieve the best results comparing to the devices of our competitors who use the older version of the software.
- You can be sure that our equipment is made in factory conditions by the modern hi-tech machines. Our engineers check every device and reject devices if they do not meet the requirements.
- The quality of the assembly: picture 1
- The microcontroller in which the software is uploaded: picture 2-1 , picture 2-2
- The printed-circuit-board which is made in factory conditions : picture 3
- Every printed-circuit-board has our own labelling – you can be sure that you will buy quality products. picture 4 ,
- We make labels attachments production on any printed-circuit-board on our own. picture 5
- Every suppressor is checked with the help of the spectrum analyzer «Anritsu MS2711A» which is made in Japan - .
The probation of suppressor UltraSonic 18GSM/Light (the sound is recording on the old mobile phone)
- RUS - Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (the video is in Russian)
- RUS - iPhone 7 (the video is in Russian)
- RUS - iPhone 5S (the video is in Russian)
- ENG - Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (the video is in English)
- ENG - iPhone 7 (the video is in English)
- ENG - iPhone 6 (the video is in English)
- CN - Samsung S4 (the video is in Chinese)
- CN - iPhone 7 (the video is in Chinese)
- CN - iPhone 5S (the video is in Chinese)