10XL AntiSpy anti-bug device with suppressing function -
Search for any radio transmitting devices
Suppression of all communication and data transfer frequencies
Suppression of all types of voice recorders

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Weight (in package), kg: 1.2    Packing size, mm: 265х98х58

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  • detection range: 20 MHz to 5 GHz
  • jamming radius: up to 15 meters
  • battery life: up to 45 minutes
  • silent mode: yes

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10XL AntiSpy anti-bug device with suppressing function is the latest development of our company! This device performs three protective functions at once: searching for wireless bugs and radio transmitting devices, suppressing all data transfer frequencies and protecting against any voice recorders.


  • Three devices in one unit! Logos company specialists managed to combine three devices for protecting information in a compact and portable case:
  1. Searching for bugs and implants
  2. Data frequency suppressor
  3. Voice recorder suppressor
  • Search for bugs, implants and any other radio transmitting devices. The built-in field detector operates in a wide frequency range from 20 MHz to 5000 MHz, so any bug or implant can be detected.
  • Suppression of all communication frequencies and Wi-Fi. The built-in radio frequency suppressor is able to prevent data transmission at all used frequencies, including cellular communications, mobile Internet and Wi-Fi.
  • Suppression of voice recorders. Anti-bug has the so-called “voice choir” function - this is a recording with many people speaking in different keys. By switching it on you can prevent the conversation from being recorded. Your conversation seems to be lost against the background of the recording and it will become impossible to get valuable information from the recorder.
  • Battery operation. The autonomous operation of the device is provided by the built-in 3000 mAh battery. Thus, you can take anti-bug with you to any important negotiations and ensure their confidentiality.
  • Flexible sensitivity setting. You can adjust the field detector to the required sensitivity in accordance with the average electromagnetic background of the room and search for the location of the bug more accurately.
  • Several search modes. The search for bugs can be carried out both in silent mode - guided by the signal scale, or by switching the vibration on, as well as in the sound mode, when each burst of radio frequency is accompanied by a buzzer signal.

Anti-bug device 10XL AntiSpy with suppressing function - side view
Anti-bug device 10XL AntiSpy with suppressing function - control buttons
Anti-bug device 10XL AntiSpy with suppressing function - frontal view
  • Search for microphones. The microphone search mode executed by the feedback principle allows detecting any active microphone. When approaching the microphone, the anti-bug will produce a resonant sound.
  • Security mode. In security mode, the anti-bug adjusts to the average background of the room and detects any bursts of activity in its range of operation. As soon as any device starts receiving or transmitting data in the protected area, the anti-bug will immediately notify you of this.
  • Suppression of all frequencies at a distance of up to 15 meters. Switching the suppressor on blocks cellular communications, mobile Internet and Wi-Fi over a sufficiently large area. No data during the operation of the suppressor can be transmitted over wireless networks, including Wi-Fi cameras.


Area of use

The 10XL Antispy bug detector is used to check rooms for wireless listening devices, wireless cameras, etc. The built-in suppressor of frequencies and voice recorders is able to provide additional security during negotiations both in your office and on the road.

Operating principle

To search the room for listening devices, turn off all radio-emitting equipment and set the device to the middle background of the room and conduct a thorough analysis, bypassing all possible places for placing bugs. Turn on suppression mode if you want to block communication and the Internet within range. Switch on the voice chorus mode to prevent the conversation from being recorded.


Technical specifications

  1. Frequency range: 20 MHz - 5000 MHz.
  2. Sensitivity: 70 mW/m.
  3. Suppression Standards:
  • GSM900: 925-960 MHz;
  • GSM1800: 1805-1880 MHz;
  • 4G Mobile 790-830 (MTC /Tele2)
  • 4G Mobile 850-894 (BeeLine/Megafon)
  • 3G: 2110-2170 MHz;
  • Wi-Fi: 2400 - 2500 MHz;
  • GPS: 1570-1585 MHz;
  • LTE 4G2: 2620-2690 MHz.
  1. Suppression radius: up to 15 meters (depends on the proximity of base stations)
  2. Battery life: up to 45 minutes.
  3. Dimensions: 200x98x58 mm

Package content

  1. 10XL AntiSpy anti-bug device - 1 pc.
  2. Charger - 1 pc.
  3. Manual - 1 pc.
€ 365.71
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